How Can a Mixed Baby Have Blue Eyes?

If you and your partner have different eye colors, naturally comes the question in your mind, what will be the eye color of my mixed baby? Is it maybe blue, brown, green, or another?

Commonly, the eye color is defined by the hair color of your baby also, the baby’s eyelash color.

A mixed baby’s eye color generally determines the genetics that originates from their parents. The eye color combination of parents considers the eye color of their baby. If parents both have blue eyes, there will be a chance to give birth to a blue-eyed baby.

Moreover, the exact eye color of your mixed baby depends on the production of melanin in their iris. 

If your baby produces the least amount of melanin, their eyes may be blue. If melanin is more, the eye color will brown.

Even, ancestry may be the reason for having blue eyes with a mixed baby.

Can a mixed baby get blue eyes?

When parents both have variations in their eye color, they have a chance to give birth to a mixed baby with blue eyes. From genetics law, a child’s eye color may be blue if their parents both have blue eyes. 

When parents both have brown eyes, they have a chance to give birth to a mixed baby with brown eyes. Here, the brown eye color allele is dominant and the blue is recessive.

Moreover, if your baby produces a low amount of melanin in the iris, their eyes may be blue. Melanin is a pigment that contributes to coloring our hair, skin, and eye.

Below here we are going to explain some of the probable reasons for a mixed baby with blue eyes

Can a mixed baby have blue eyes
Can a mixed baby have blue eyes

Predict your baby’s eye color:

  • If both parents have brown eyes, they give birth to a baby with brown eyes.
  • If both parents have hazel eyes, they may give birth to a baby with hazel eyes.
  • If both parents have blue eyes, they may give birth to a baby of blue eyes.
  • If both parents have green eyes, they may give birth to a baby with green eyes.
  • If the father has brown and the mother has blue eyes, the baby may have blue or brown eyes.
  • If the father has green and the mother has brown eyes, the baby will have brown, green, or blue eyes.
  • If a father has green and a mother has blue eyes, the baby will have blue or green eyes.

From this information, it can be said that blue eyes are rare.  If parents both have blue eyes, there are good chances that their baby will have blue eyes. 

The contribution of melanin to a mixed baby getting blue eyes  

Melanin is a pigment that colors our body, hair, and eye. The eye color of newborns depends on the amount of melanin in the iris. The production of melanin in the iris is controlled by the genetic rules in our chromosomes. 

If there is low melanin in the iris, your baby will have blue eyes. If there is more melanin, the eye color may be brown. If the amount is medium, the eye color may be green or hazel.

When a baby is born, melanin stays low in the iris. So their eye color looks blue at first. Then gradually, the melanin increases over time and the eye color becomes too dark and changes to another color. 

Thus, when they arrive six months to 3 years of age, the amount becomes high and the color changes into brown, hazel, green, or blue eyes.

Yet, anyhow if they can’t produce enough melanin in this period, their eye color will be permanent with blue. 

Ancestry may be the cause of mixed babies having blue eyes

The blue-eyed people usually have European ancestry because all people with blue eyes who were affected by Herc2 genetic transmutation can share a common ancestor.

Generally, babies predict their eye color from their lovely parents. Children’s eye color may be a combination of parents’ eye colors. Here the parent’s genes may be dominant or recessive.

So, if you or your partner has blue eyes, there may be odds of giving birth to a blue-eyed baby.

Apart from this, if grandparents have blue eyes, there is also a chance to see your baby’s blue eyes.

After all, ocular albinism of family history may be the cause of blue eyes.

However, here are some color combinations of parents’ eyes and predict of baby’s eye color:

Genetic contribution to a mixed baby having blue eyes 

The genes play a vital role in determining the newborn’s eye color. The mixed baby inherits the genes from their parents or their grandparents.

Normally, each cell in the human body contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. About 15 chromosomes contain 600 to 700 vital genes to produce protein. 

Two of these genes play an important role in eye color selection. These two genes are OCA2 and HERC2. 

Moreover, there are two variations or alleles in each gene. Your mixed baby inherits one of them from mom and the other from dad. If the two versions of alleles of a specific gene are heterozygous, the dominant trait is expressed. 

Now the other hidden trait is called recessive. When the alleles are the same, it means homozygous.

However, brown eye color is a dominant trait and blue eye color is a recessive trait. And green eye color is a combination of both. Green is dominant to the blue eye and recessive to the brown eye color.

Frequently asked questions

Can a mixed baby have two different colors of eyes?

When it is a matter of two different colors, it means heterochromia. So here, if brown and blue eyes will mix, it is called heterochromia. It means one of the iris is different from another iris.

Sometimes some children are born with different eye colors with the condition of horner’s syndrome and piebaldism.

Generally, it happens due to illness, injury, or meditation. So you can develop it later in life. However, heterochromia is rare for people.

Can a mixed Asian baby have blue eyes?

The ethnic group as Hispanic, Black, and Asian babies are usually born with black or brown eyes. It is rare to have blue eyes among mixed Asian babies, but it is possible.

If an Asian mother contains the blue-eyed gene, she may give birth to a blue-eyed baby. Here, the blue eye is a recessive trait to brown.

Can a brachial baby have blue eyes?

It is possible to have blue eyes among a brachial baby. If the mother contains a blue-eyed gene(recessive gene) and the father contains a dominant gene, they can give birth to a blue-eyed infant. 

But after six months or one year, the eye color will change over time. Finally, the blue eyes will be permanent with green, gray, or blue eyes.

Is it possible to have your mixed baby blue eyes with curly or blonde hair?

If you and your partner have different color variations of eye, hair, or skin, then you have a mixed baby. If the father has curly or blonde hair and the mother has straight hair, there may be a chance to have their baby curly or blonde hair.

Curly or blonde hair is considered a dominant gene trait and straight hair are considered a recessive gene trait. 

So the simple term maybe, if your mixed baby gets the curly or blonde-haired gene from father and straight-haired gene from mother, your baby will be born with curly or blonde hair.

Even if both parents have blue eyes, their mixed baby has blue eyes.

By the way, you must care for your baby’s hair using a homemade lash cleanser baby shampoo and it is badly needed regardless of any hair type or color.

Are all mixed babies born with blue eyes?

A mixed baby indicates a baby whose parents are of different racial categories, white and black. If their eye color is different, a question comes to mind about their babies’ eye color.

Mixed babies may have blue, brown, gray, hazel eyes.

Moreover, worldwide, a baby is born with different colors of eyes. Among these, blue eyes are rare and brown eyes are more common than other eyes.

Do mixed babies’ blue eyes stay permanent?

Most babies are born with blue eyes. It means, at this time, there is no more melanin in the iris. Due to being in the dark in the womb for a long time, melanin can not produce more in the baby’s eyes. So the eyes look blue.

But after six months or one year, they are producing melanin and change the blue color into brown, hazel, or another. If they can’t grow any melanin, the eye color will not change and stay in this color.

So it can be said if the baby can not produce melanin in need, their eye color may be blue and it will be their permanent eye color.

Will your mixed baby’s eyes change color?

Yes, your baby’s eye color is changeable. It changes after six months or one year of your baby’s life. So at the first time, the eye color of your baby you will look at, will change over time and convert with another color.

Then it becomes dark over the six months or first year of life. Depending on the amount of melanin, it may be permanent in eye color.
Even some child’s eye color changing process continues through the age of 6. Yet, almost 10% of Caucasian babies feel the changing process through adulthood.  

Are your mixed babies’ blue eyes really blue?

No. The blue eyes of your mixed babies’ are not really blue. Because in the iris, there is no blue pigment. The color is the cause of melanin. Melanin is a yellow-brown pigment.

When there is less or no melanin in the iris, the eye color is blue. However, at the time of light scatter, the longest wavelengths maybe blue. 

As a result, we see the eyes blue. For the same reason, the ocean and sky come to blue.

Sarah, a health writer and editor since 2014, is an adoring wife and dedicated mother to 2 daughters and 1 son. As the creator of Babies Plannet, she combines her extensive expertise with her maternal dedication to provide essential care and safety advice for infants, nurturing their well-being and happiness. Her writing explores topics like fitness, pregnancy, and women's healthy lifestyles.

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