You just know about your pregnancy or, if it is your 30 weeks of pregnancy, now you become worried about your habit of smoking weed. Some questions keep popping up in your mind.
If you are a smoker, you should quickly stop smoking weed as soon as possible. It will be best to give up smoking before conceiving. Yet, at 30 weeks of pregnancy, you can still stop smoking. Smoking through your entire pregnancy sounds terrible!
What will happen with my baby when I can’t give up smoking? Is it safe? Or when I stop it? And like so on.
How to quit smoking weed at 30 weeks pregnant?
To reduce any health problems for your baby and you during your pregnancy, you must quit smoking weed. So now, if the question comes to your mind, how can I quit smoking, then follow the including tips:

- First, get ready to quit smoking. If you are pregnant, quit smoking right away. Or talk to your friends or doctor about any program. It can help you to quit smoking weed.
- If you live with someone who is a smoker, discuss the matter with them. Tell them to stop smoking. If they do not stop smoking, then avoid them. Even avoid those places where people smoke.
- Keep away from weeds. Get rid of all smoking materials. Clean your house so that you cannot get any smell too.
- Avoid those who are smokers. Give company to those friends or people who are not a smoker.
- Visit those places where smoking weeds are not allowed.
- Change your routine. After dinner, you may go for a walk instead of smoking.
- Turn to your family and friends. They give you enough support.
- Join a support group who was a smoker and wants to come back.
- Seek counseling.
Is it safe to smoke weed at 30 weeks pregnant?
Yet, smoking weed during pregnancy can relieve morning sickness, sleep disturbance, aches, pains, etc. But experts warn that it may be dangerous for pregnant women and their unborn babies.
Though smoking weeds, pot, cannabis, or marijuana has some benefits during pregnancy, it is not safe for a mother or baby. So it will be best to avoid smoking weed during pregnancy.
However, if you are pregnant for 30 weeks, it is urgent to give up smoking weed. Not only this time, if you stop smoking weed, it will also be best for your unborn baby. Otherwise, you and your baby may face some critical problems.
When can you resume smoking weed?
If you want to resume smoking weed, you may take suggestions to a healthcare provider. He can suggest to you the right opinion of smoking.
Yet, you should not smoke weed around your baby. You can smoke outside the house so that your baby can not get any smell.
“Even you must avoid smoking when you are breastfeeding”, said Dr. Tishler.
Smoking weeds (like marijuana) contain tetrahydrocannabinol(THC).
It may add in breast milk that is truly harmful to your baby. Because when you smoke and breastfeed your infant, nicotine and other material will be exposed to your infant through your breast milk.
Anyway, if you don’t quit smoking, you should be aware of the safety of your baby and alert enough to take care of your infants. If you don’t do it, you should refrain from smoking weeds or find alternative childcare.
By the way, if you leave smoking weed but still smoke cigarettes’ then this will no longer benefit your healthy pregnancy life. Even after giving birth you should not even hold your newborn baby as you are smoking.
Why is quitting smoking weed well for your baby?

Quitting smoking is the best way for your baby’s health to start. It can reduce a baby’s health risk. So absolutely quitting smoking weed is good for your baby.
Smoking weeds contain many harmful chemicals that create obstacles to delivering nutrients and supplying sufficient oxygen to your baby.
Even smoking weed contains nicotine which permanently damages babies’ lungs and brains. Even if you stop smoking weed at 30 weeks or before, you can avoid some more problems for your baby. Such as
- Disruption of normal brain development of your baby
- Premature birth
- The birth defects
- Problem with placenta
- Low birth weight
- Higher Stillborn risk
- Increased preterm birth
Even quitting smoking weed is also good for your baby after their born. If you smoke weed during pregnancy as well as after giving birth to your baby, your baby after their born face these health problems:
- Asthma
- Ear infection
- Cough
- Childhood obesity
- Colic
- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- Long-term mental health problem
Risk Factors of smoking at 30 weeks of pregnancy?
Smoking weed may disrupt ovulation and reduce the chances of conceiving.
It may also affect the quality of eggs and the ability of the uterus to support implantation.
In men, smoking weed may reduce sperm count, motility, and morphology, leading to reduced fertility. It is generally recommended that people trying to conceive, avoid using marijuana and other drugs that may negatively impact fertility and reproductive health.
- Pregnancy loss
- Infections
- Water breaking very soon
- High blood pressure
- Placental abruption
- Lung damage
- Increased risk of Falling
- Breathing problems.
- Impaired judgment
Anyway, quitting smoking weed while you are pregnant or at 30 weeks pregnant, reduces those problems. Then you and your baby will go through a healthy system.
Quitting smoking weed while pregnant: Week by week
Quitting smoking sounds great no matter when you make this decision. The sooner the better, so based on that, I am going to describe the timeline below:
Quit smoking weed at 15 weeks pregnant?
The 15 weeks is nearly the month of four. In this period, your baby is beginning to resemble a human being and develops its complex nervous system.
So, you may quit smoking weed during pregnancy. Quitting smoking at any time during pregnancy may be helpful but quitting smoking before 15 weeks of pregnancy effort the greatest help for your baby.
Around 15 weeks, some of the development of the embryonic aspects occurs. So it will be better to quit smoking weed at 15 weeks or around four months than to stop later on in your pregnancy.
The good news is giving up on weed during 15 weeks of pregnancy will prevent the risk of your baby being born low-weight or miscarriage.
Unless, the risk of a low-weight baby, miscarriage or stillbirth will be the same as that of a non-smoker. This decision of yours will help your child’s health in the long term.
Quit smoking at 20 weeks pregnant?
When you are pregnant at 20 weeks, it means your baby is around five months old. And your baby is already completing 50% of its development.
So there are no scopes to continue smoking. It is not too late to protect your baby from any complications. So give up smoking as soon as possible. Another article has written on quit smoking weed at 20 weeks pregnant. You can read it!
Quit smoking at 30 weeks pregnant
If you are 30 weeks pregnant and you have a bad habit of smoking, then you must be worried about your unborn baby. What will happen to your unborn baby if you can get rid of that bad habit? So many questions popping into your mind.
So, let’s get straight to the point, smoking during pregnancy is very bad for you and also for your baby. This can cause premature birth, a low-weight baby, and other physical deformations to your baby. So, it’s better to get clean before you give birth to your child.
So, you may quit smoking during your pregnancy but it is better for you to quit it before 15 weeks of pregnancy. It will be a great help for your baby’s health. Even if you are about 30 weeks, it is never too late, just quit smoking.
Is it too late to stop smoking weed at 30 weeks pregnant?
No. it is not too late to give up smoking at 30 weeks pregnant. The 30 weeks means your baby is eight months, and he or she is preparing for birth. All development may occur this month.
Anyway, giving up smoking at any point during pregnancy is good for your babies’ health. So you can stop smoking weeds at 30 weeks.
Yet, it is better to quit smoking as soon as possible so that you and your baby’s health are safe during the first time of pregnancy.
Does a pregnant woman smoke weed at 30 weeks?
Yes. Some pregnant women smoke weed to reduce morning sickness during pregnancy. Research shows that many pregnant women relieve some pregnancy complications by smoking weed.
Such as morning sickness, aches, pain, sleep disturbance at night, etc. Yet specialists warn to avoid smoking weed during pregnancy.
It may add in breast milk that is truly harmful to your baby. Because when you smoke and breastfeed your infant, nicotine and other material will be exposed to your infant through your breast milk.
Anyway, if you don’t quit smoking, you should be aware of the safety of your baby and alert enough to take care of your infants. If you don’t do it, you should refrain from smoking weeds or find alternative childcare.
Smoking weeds like marijuana, cannabis, pot, etc is unsafe for pregnant women and their babies. Even people suffer much for smoking weed instead of its little benefits.
So it is better to quit smoking weed as soon as possible. Even if you are already pregnant in 30 weeks, it is not so late. You should quit smoking just at the moment.
Although, it is better to give up smoking before the pregnancy so that your baby can begin life with a healthy start.