What Does It Mean When a Baby Stands on His Head?

The adorable baby resembles the happiness of every parent. But they have more curiosity to learn a new one from their surroundings. 

As a result, sometimes they perform strange and different stunts like bending over, standing on the head, rolling on the floor, headbanging, etc. They love to play with toys, baby bouncers, and sometimes they act some weird kinds of stuff just like standing on his head.

Now the question of what does it mean when a baby stands on his head? When will it come to your mind, right? However,  it is hard to understand.

When a baby Stands on the head or goes upside-down, it means they are happy or excited.

Even, it may give the news their mother is expecting and coming to their siblings. The news comes from the old wives and, it is a part of superstition. So you can ignore it or support it.

Yet scientifically, it means the brain development and learning system for your baby. It occurs nonverbal or verbal. 

Anyway, if your baby seems in pain at this stage, you should talk to your doctor. And, if they are happy to stand on their head, let them enjoy themselves.

There are some more questions about a baby standing on his head. We describe it consequently. So you do not need to be worried.

Why does a baby stand on his head and, what does it mean?

Some babies often stand on their heads or go upside-down, which means their self-stimulation or self-comfort. They love to stand on heads being upside down and look at something between their legs.

What does it mean when a baby stands on his head
What does it mean when a baby stands on his head

Standing on the head could mean a lot of different matters. Being upside-down is a common movement for some children. Such as

  • They do it to entertain themselves.
  • They want to approval their movement
  • They are learning from their surroundings.
  • They are learning a lot about their body
  • Children may predict another pregnancy.

There are also several reasons why your baby stands on his head. Some may have an explanation or not have explanations. These are below:

Stimulates the vestibular system

According to stony brook medicine,  being upside down stimulates the vestibular system. It is a part of our body’s sensory system, which helps to establish the relation between our body and the environment.

According to experts, the brain and vestibular systems are going into a process that creates motor connections and sensory connections in the toddler’s brain.

Even the vestibular system is necessary for motor movement, balance, orientation, and cognition.

The development of body awareness 

According to the same experts, standing on the head, a baby learns about the sensation of the body.

It creates body awareness that contains muscle and sensory memory and, in the future, it will help inform a baby’s movement. However, it is known as a silly or play activity, which is quite imperative.

The postural muscles development

The sensation of being upside-down and the positioning of a kid’s head helps build postural muscles for balance. 

Even, also helps their brain for a strong connection. It assists the muscles to hold the heads standing.

Moreover, this position also gives neural feedback about the baby’s progress. 

The effect of calming

Upside-down is a movement that is strengthening, stimulating, and brings a calming effect on the baby.

Some children may choose this position in active play, while others get it calming and try to wind speed down.

Yet, the baby has taken this position in the birth canal during the last trimester of pregnancy. Even some babies resume this position for quiet and comfort.   

Because they can 

Why do babies be upside down or look between the legs? Because they can easily!

While you may try to stand on your head, you may feel what? It seems nice, right? It is a nice feeling. Yet, it will need the upper body and core strength to stand on the head.

However, for a child, it may well pull like this movement. The baby is more flexible, and their backside is free of pain.

Kids love being upside down.

No one can deny that being upside down or standing on your head is a source of a lot of joy and fun. The baby also loves this strange standing and does it.

It does not need to have an explanation that the baby does. Sometimes, they can do something as they feel good and love it.

They can look at other surroundings around them which are inverted. Babies too much enjoy this thrill with the inverted scenery around them.

It may comfortable

Sometimes your baby may stand on their head because it may be a comfortable position for him. It may be a simple reason for standing on their head.

If they easily do it and suffer no pain, then you may let them play with it this way. Otherwise, you should call in a doctor.

They try to play with you.

If your little one stands on their head, it seems they invite you to play any game they love. It is relatively common when you are dressing them up after a bath.

They might also be hiding from their siblings or someone else.

Love the visualization

When a baby stands on his head, he loves to look at things in this position. It may be another simple reason for being upside down.

The upside-down positions attract them. In some cases, the baby may still move around to look at the whole thing from an upside-down angle.

Anyway, in this position, they can enjoy everything differently. It is charming for children.

Regular positive reinforcement

When your cute child stands on their heads, everyone may praise them and like the movement, right? The constant and regular positive reinforcement encourages your baby to do this movement every time.

Anyway, babies want the approval of every movement from their near one, like the adults.

So if they do something and their parents or near ones support it with admiration, they will like to do the action again. The child feels approved and legalized.

A baby stands on his head: does it have any benefits?

Yes, that position has the benefits of being upside down. It is absolutely good for your little one’s brain development.

When you go to a playground, you may look at some children in that position.

When a baby is in this position, the blood circulation of their body is going through their brain. That increases the flowing of blood in their brain.

 If the blood flow is more, there are many nutrients and oxygen in the brain. Then this healthy brain is essential for their learning and self-comfort.

Anyway, the upside-down position also has some more benefits. These are below:

  • Children as youthful as two- times old naturally go into the position upside down. This ingrained desire to stand on the head is your child’s literacy to regulate their central nervous system. Babies need sensory integration to help to maintain their bodies and behavior. Here, standing on the head (being upside down) provides this sensory integration.
  • Being upside-down needs core strength, confidence, and focus. These all things are essential to navigate life successfully.
  • Going upside-down offers your heart and brain a break. It keeps your infant in the present moment. This is why they can look at everything from a new perspective.
  • When your kid feels bored, they may go to this position, as it can reduce their annoyance. Then they feel happy.

When does standing on the head become abnormal for your baby?

If your baby normally stands on his head only for a few minutes and returns without pain, it is normal. But if they feel pain in that position, it seems so abnormal.

When your baby does a headstand, the blood circulation may increase. Even blood circulation is redirected to his head and away from another organ in his body. That is why your child may deprive of oxygen.

Even more blood flow creates a pool in babies’ brains and eyes. Thereby, blood vessels may blockage and cause stroke and even bleeding. As a result, seizures or death may happen.

So if you think of any suspicious matter, at the time your toddler’s stands on their head, you should concern your doctor.

Frequently asked questions:

Your kids standing on the head: is it a sign of pregnancy?

No. it is not a sign of pregnancy. Yet, old wives’ stories say that when a baby stands on the head or does the downward dog, it means they may predict their younger siblings. 

Anyway, it is a part of superstition. So if you want, deny it or agree with it.

When does a baby stand on his head?

When babies are around six months, most gain enough strength in their upper body and neck to hold up their head with minimum effort. 

They can also turn their head easily from up and down or side to side.

At the bottom line:

The growing baby provides many movements all day long. Standing on a head that is upside down is one of these. It is hard to understand why they do this movement.

Yet, there are different reasons for your baby might do this. But it is not necessary to know the actual meaning of their strange stunts. Just follow their activity.

If you see any problem when your baby is in this position, you should seek a professional’s advice.

Anyway, if they stay in this position for a few minutes with happiness and comfort, let them enjoy themselves.

However, we hope we provide you with all the answers about what it means when a baby stands on his head or why they do it.

Sarah, a health writer and editor since 2014, is an adoring wife and dedicated mother to 2 daughters and 1 son. As the creator of Babies Plannet, she combines her extensive expertise with her maternal dedication to provide essential care and safety advice for infants, nurturing their well-being and happiness. Her writing explores topics like fitness, pregnancy, and women's healthy lifestyles.

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