A false miscarriage is a term sometimes used to describe a situation where a pregnancy is suspected to have ended in miscarriage, but in fact, the pregnancy is still ongoing.
This can occur if pregnancy 6 weeks ultrasound test shows no signs of a developing fetus or if the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), levels in the blood or urine appear to be decreasing.
However, in some cases, this can be a misinterpretation of the test results or an error in the testing process.
It’s also possible for some people to experience symptoms that can be mistaken for a miscarriage, such as implantation bleeding and cramping stories, but the pregnancy is still ongoing.
What does miscarriage look like?
The appearance of a miscarriage line progression can vary depending on several factors such as how far along the pregnancy was and the individual’s body.
In some cases, a miscarriage may occur without noticeable symptoms, and the pregnancy tissue may be expelled from the body without the person even realizing it. This is known as a “silent” or “missed” miscarriage.
In other cases, a miscarriage may involve symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, cramping, and passing of pregnancy tissue.
The tissue may appear as heavy bleeding with clots or clumps of tissue, and the bleeding may be heavier than a typical menstrual period.

If the miscarriage occurs later in the pregnancy, the tissue may be more developed and may resemble the fetus or placenta.
It’s important to note that seeing the fetus or placenta is not always the case, and it’s possible for the tissue to be too small to see or may have already passed from the body.
What happens to hcg levels during miscarriage
During a miscarriage, hCG levels can vary depending on several factors, such as:
Pregnancy progression timeline (week by week) and the type of miscarriage.
In general, hCG levels will start to decrease gradually as the pregnancy tissue is expelled from the body.
Miscarriage occurs early in the pregnancy:
hCG levels may not have risen very high, and they may return to normal relatively quickly.
Miscarriage occurs lately with complications:
When the miscarriage occurs later in the pregnancy or if there are complications, it may take longer for hCG levels to return to normal.
How many weeks after miscarriage do you test negative
It can take anywhere from several days to several weeks for hCG levels to return to zero after a miscarriage.
If the miscarriage occurred earlier in the pregnancy, it’s possible for hCG levels to return to zero within a week or two.
However, if the miscarriage occurred later in the pregnancy, it may take longer for hCG levels to return to zero, possibly up to several weeks or even months.
It’s important to note that some people may continue to test positive for pregnancy for a period of time after a miscarriage, even if their hCG levels are decreasing.
This is because pregnancy tests are designed to detect even very small amounts of hCG, and it can take time for levels to drop to below the threshold for a positive test.
You may go and read how test line becomes darker then control line.
Also, read how does a mother get dye stealer pregnancy test results during early pregnancy.
What is missed miscarriage?
In some cases, hCG levels may initially increase during a miscarriage.
This can happen if the pregnancy tissue is not fully expelled from the body and can lead to a condition called a “missed miscarriage.”
In this situation, hCG levels may remain elevated, even though the pregnancy is no longer viable.
Does pregnancy test line get lighter after miscarriage
Yes, it’s possible for a pregnancy test line to get lighter after a miscarriage.
Because, hCG remain in the body for several weeks after a miscarriage, and in some cases, even up to a month or longer.
After a miscarriage, hCG levels will begin to decrease gradually, and this can cause the test line to become lighter or even disappear altogether.
However, how quickly this happens can vary from person to person and depends on various factors, such as how far along the pregnancy was and the type of miscarriage.
Can miscarriage cause low progesterone?
Miscarriage can sometimes be caused by low progesterone levels, it can lead to a condition called progesterone deficiency, which can increase the risk of miscarriage
- “Quantitative assessment of pregnancy test line progression: a prospective study of natural pregnancies conceived within one cycle.” Human Reproduction, 2019.
- “Accuracy of first trimester miscarriage diagnosis using ex vivo ultrasound images with and without comparison to in vivo images: a retrospective study.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2020.
- “The use of home pregnancy tests among women experiencing miscarriage: a systematic review.” BMC Women’s Health, 2021.
- “Assessment of urinary pregnancy test line progression after in vitro fertilization: a prospective cohort study.” Fertility and Sterility, 2018.
- “Home pregnancy test hCG measurement and its correlation with quantitative hCG levels.” Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 2018.