How To Do a Home Pregnancy Test with Onion and Urine?

Pregnancy can be a complete blessing or a matter of worry. But some women want to explore all the available tests for pregnancy. That’s why women want to test out whether or not they’re positive or negative as quickly as possible.

To do so, they must come to know the test line and control line pregnancy test results through ovulation test to get positive result. Some people even try to do home pregnancy test with onion and urine.

So, should you test your pregnancy with an onion only? In short, no, you shouldn’t. Instead, you should use clinically certified pregnancy testing kits to ascertain if you are pregnant or not. 

clinically certified pregnancy testing kit

However, it doesn’t hurt to do a little experiment just for the sake of knowledge, right? Not to worry! Here, we’ll tell you how to do the pregnancy test with onions.

So, stick with us until the finish line to get comprehensive knowledge on this.

How To Do A Home Pregnancy Test With Onions and Urine?

First of all, you should acquire all the things that you will need while doing the home pregnancy test with onions.

home pregnancy test with onion and urine

1. Acquiring the required items:

Here’s a list of items that you will use:

  • Latex hand gloves
  • An empty glass
  • A teaspoon
  • A full-sized onion (preferably white onion)
  • The urine of a pregnant woman
  • A knife

2. Pregnancy test with onion and urine (in the morning):

The first practical step in the process of testing for pregnancy, you need to collect urine from a female (for whom the pregnancy will be tested). Therefore, go ahead and make arrangements to get half a glass of urine.

Remember, you must acquire the urine from the individual in the morning. It’s because pregnant women secrete HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone in the morning with their urine. 

That’s why most pregnancy testing kits work with 99% accuracy only if you use urine that is acquired in the morning.

3. Cutting the onion into small pieces:

Now, you have to use a kitchen knife to peel an onion and cut it into thin slices. Remember, it’s best if you use a fresh onion here. It’s because a fresh onion will have its juice intact.

Note: make sure you cut the onion into small enough pieces to put in the urine glass.

A filled glass with urine for home pregnancy urine test
A glass filled with urine

4. Put the onion pieces in the urine:

At this point, you should put on a pair of latex gloves and dip the cut pieces of the onion into the urine sample. More specifically, you will have to dip multiple pieces of onion slices in the urine so that the urine sample becomes nearly saturated.

5. Let the onion slices sit in the urine for 5 minutes:

After you have dipped the onion slices in the urine, you’ll have to let the onions sit in the urine for 5 minutes. In the meantime, the onion will conduct a brief chemical reaction with the urine sample. 

As a result, the color of the onion slices will change in a certain way. Also, some physical cues will be there for you to determine whether the urine donor is pregnant or not.

6. Examining the urine and the onion slices for pregnancy test results:

At this last step, you’ll have to use a spoon to examine the urine and the onion slices. Consequently, you’ll be able to reach a conclusion on whether the urine donor is positive in pregnancy or not.

If it seems implausible to you that a pregnancy can be tested with an onion, we should tell you that it is not a complete bluff. 

Instead, there is indeed science behind doing this type of pregnancy test. How? Let us explain this to you in better depth below:

A) The Urine Changing Color:

The first thing you should understand is that a pregnant woman secretes the hCG hormone in her urine in the morning. 

Plus, you should also note that urine in the morning generally has a yellowish color due to a pigment known as Urochrome or Urobilin. 

home pregnancy test with onion
Urine color in the morning

Now, when onion slices are mixed in the urine sample, the presence of hCG hormone promotes the Urochrome particles to react with the onion slices. 

Resultantly, the onion slices can easily absorb the Urochrome particles from the urine. Consequently, you’ll see that the urine sample has lost its yellowish color.

The takeaway from this explanation is that the change in the urine color proves that there is hCG hormone present in the urine. That, in turn, indicates that the urine sample donor is indeed pregnant.

B) Onion slices changing their color:

White onion slices become purple color as a pregnancy test
Wait 3 min

The presence of the hCG hormone in the urine also promotes color change in the onion slices as well. That’s why a few minutes of exposure to the urine easily changes the color of the onion slices.

C) Appearance of small bubbles around the onions slices:

home pregnancy positive test using onion

As we all know, cutting onions causes tears in our eyes. But why does it happen? Well, it happens because of the presence of a unique gas named syn-propanethial-S-oxide. Whenever you cut an onion into pieces, it releases this particular gas into the atmosphere.

Now, although onions release this gas when you cut them into pieces, a small amount of this gas remains in the molecules of the onion even after you cut it into small slices. 

And, the presence of hCG hormone in the urine causes the onion to release the remaining syn-propanethial-S-oxide gas when you dip the onion slices in the urine.

Consequently, you see the appearance of small bubbles around the onion slices.

D) Light Purple appears around the onion:

home pregnancy test with onion
Light Purple appears mean hCG visibility

if you see that the white onion slices have changed their color into purple or light purple, you should understand that the urine sample has hCG hormone in it. That means that the urine donor is pregnant.

Home Pregnancy Test With Onions and Urine: Is It Reliable?

In ancient times, people used many bizarre methods to test whether or not a woman is pregnant. For instance, many ancient physicians used onions to determine if a woman is pregnant or not.

home pregnancy test
Am I pregnant?

However, although sometimes these pregnancy tests provided accurate results, many times they did not. That means you should never depend on an onion pregnancy test, if you are serious about finding out whether you are pregnant or not.

Plus, it should also be noted in bold lines that doing a pregnancy test with onion or urine is never a reliable way of testing pregnancy. 

But, if you are someone who loves to test new things and gain new knowledge, it’s okay if you try testing out your pregnancy with onions.

Mind you, sometimes using onions for testing pregnancies can provide false results. Hence, it is beyond saying that, solely relying on an onion home pregnancy test will be a foolish act.

How Does The Onion Test Work?

Although the above-mentioned testing procedure might seem simple and easy to do, pregnancy tests involving onions in ancient times were not. 

For instance, well-renowned medical scientists such as Hippocrates recommended a pregnancy testing method with onion that involved pushing an onion slice into the vagina of a woman (at night before going to sleep). 

Then, the breath of the woman participating in this test was tested in the morning to determine the result of the pregnancy test.

Specifically, if the morning breath of the women in the test gave off the smell of onion, the physicians concluded that the woman is not pregnant. 

On the other hand, the absence of the smell of onion in the breath of the woman in the morning proved that the woman is indeed pregnant.

This method worked based on the belief that the fetus residing in the uterus of a woman stopped the odor of the onion from traveling upward through the woman’s body. That’s why a pregnant woman didn’t give off the smell of onion in the morning.

Whereas, women who are not pregnant did not have any obstacles blocking the way the odor traveled upwards throughout the body. Therefore, people thought that women who gave off the smell of onion in their breath were not pregnant. 

How does a home pregnancy test with urine and onion work?

A home pregnancy test is a simple and quick kit that you can use at home to determine whether or not you are pregnant. Such a test works by detecting the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. 

The pregnancy test works by detecting the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. hCG is created by the fertilized egg implants in your uterus. 

A home pregnancy test is a simple device that you can use at home to determine whether or not you are pregnant. The test works by detecting the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. hCG is produced in your urine when the fertilized egg implants in your uterus. 

The test works by detecting the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. hCG is produced when the fertilized egg implants in your uterus. hCG is produced when the fertilized egg implants in your uterus. 

Urine contains several hormones and other substances that are produced during pregnancy. When used correctly, a home pregnancy test can accurately detect whether you are pregnant or not. It takes 2 to 5 minutes for the positive pregnancy test line darker than control line. It will show up or not depends on which kit you’re using. Try to follow the instructions given on the pregnancy kit. 

Is a pregnancy test with onions 100% accurate?

Not accurate as there’s no proven data that tells us how accurate the pregnancy test with onion is. Thus, since this type of pregnancy is not approved by modern-day medical science, you should never completely rely on onion pregnancy test data.

Can the pregnancy test with onion be a false positive?

Yes, but we cannot tell what the chances of getting a false-positive result which will commonly occur at 7dp5dt bfn on Frer. However, the onion pregnancy test may show you a positive pregnancy without you actually being pregnant. 

It’s because HCG hormones can sometimes be present in the urine due to certain illnesses (other than being pregnant). 

Can I use this pregnancy test right after I missed my period?

No, you cannot use this particular test to determine whether or not you’re pregnant after missing your period. You can take a home pregnancy test while on your period only.

For BFP or positive pregnancy test In order to get an accurate result, you must use a Clearblue Rapid Detection pregnancy testing kit after you miss a period.


Well, that’s all there’s to it, people. Now that you’ve got a clear understanding of how to do a home pregnancy test with onions.

To boil down the article, testing pregnancy in a DIY fashion can be a fun exercise. But, you should never use this type of home pregnancy test results as factual truth. Instead, always try to attend any medical doctor who will give you proper guidance in this matter.

Thank you so much for putting lots of effort and time into reading this post. Peace out!!!


Sarah, a health writer and editor since 2014, is an adoring wife and dedicated mother to 2 daughters and 1 son. As the creator of Babies Plannet, she combines her extensive expertise with her maternal dedication to provide essential care and safety advice for infants, nurturing their well-being and happiness. Her writing explores topics like fitness, pregnancy, and women's healthy lifestyles.

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