If you don’t see a fetal pole at 6 weeks, it doesn’t necessarily mean that something is wrong. The gestational sac usually becomes visible on ultrasound between 3 and 5 weeks after conception. The fetal pole—the first sign of a developing baby—is usually seen shortly thereafter, around 6 weeks.
If you don’t see it at 6w5d ultrasound, your doctor may want to repeat the ultrasound in 1-2 weeks to check for normal growth.
No worries, if the test comes out no fetal pole at 7 weeks.
If you’re pregnant and your doctor can’t see a fetal pole during an ultrasound at six weeks, don’t automatically panic. It’s possible that the pregnancy is simply too early to detect the pole. In fact, a study published in Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology found that when women had ultrasounds between five and seven weeks of gestation, no fetal pole was visible in about half of cases.
If you fall into this category and there are no other red flags, your practitioner will likely just have you return for another scan in a week or two.
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No Fetal Pole at 6 Weeks Success Stories
It’s common to worry when you don’t see a fetal pole during an early ultrasound. But there are many success stories of women who went on to have healthy pregnancies, even when they didn’t see a fetal pole at 6 weeks.
One mom-to-be wrote on an online forum that she was diagnosed with a missed miscarriage after her 6-week ultrasound showed no fetal pole.
She was devastated, but decided to give her body time to miscarry naturally. A few weeks later, she had another ultrasound and finally saw her baby’s heartbeat. She went on to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
Another woman shared her story of being told she had a blighted ovum (a type of early miscarriage) after her 6-week ultrasound showed no fetal pole. Her doctor advised her to wait and see if her body would miscarry naturally, or to consider taking medication to help speed up the process. But just a few days later, she had another ultrasound that showed the baby’s heartbeat – proving that sometimes these early ultrasounds can be wrong.
These success stories remind us that it’s important not to panic if you don’t see a fetal pole at 6 weeks. In many cases, the baby is just fine and will show up on subsequent ultrasounds.
Gestational Sac And Yolk Sac But No Baby at 6 Weeks
If you’re pregnant, you may be wondering what the gestational sac and yolk sac are. These two structures are essential for a healthy pregnancy, and they can be seen on an ultrasound at around 6 weeks gestation. The gestational sac is the first structure that appears in an ultrasound of a developing baby.

It’s a round, fluid-filled cavity that surrounds the embryo and protects it as it grows. The yolk sac is a small, spherical sac that’s located inside the gestational sac. It contains nutrients that nourish the embryo during early development.
At six weeks gestation, your baby is still very tiny and doesn’t yet have any distinguishable features. However, you may be able to see their heartbeat on an ultrasound if everything is progressing normally. If you don’t see a heartbeat at this stage, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong – sometimes it can just be too early to see it yet.
No Fetal Pole at 5 Weeks Should I Be Worried
If you’re pregnant and have recently had an ultrasound that showed no fetal pole at 5 weeks, you may be wondering if this is cause for concern. The answer is maybe. While it’s not unusual for a fetal pole to not be visible until 6 weeks or later, in some cases it can be a sign of a problem with the pregnancy.
If your doctor is concerned, they may order another ultrasound in a week or two to check on the development of the fetus. In most cases, however, everything will be fine and you’ll soon see that little heartbeat on the screen!
Yolk Sac But No Fetal Pole at 6 Weeks
If you’re pregnant, you may have had an ultrasound scan to check on your baby’s development. At six weeks, your baby should be about the size of a pea, and their heart will be beating fast – around 150 times per minute. You may even be able to see their tiny arms and legs on the scan.
However, in some cases there is no fetal pole visible on the ultrasound at six weeks. This doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with the pregnancy – it could just mean that the pregnancy is earlier than expected and the fetal pole hasn’t developed yet. If this is the case, your doctor or midwife will probably recommend having another scan in a week or two to check on your baby’s progress.
Can a Fetal Pole Develop After 6 Weeks?
A fetal pole is the first sign of a developing baby on an ultrasound. It appears as a small, thickening portion of tissue in the gestational sac and can be seen at around 5-6 weeks gestation. The fetal pole grows at a rate of about 1 mm per day and develops into the fetal head and trunk over time.
By 6 weeks gestation, the fetalpole should measure 2-5 mm in length. If no fetal pole is seen on an ultrasound after 6 weeks, this may indicate that the pregnancy is not progressing normally.
Is Empty Sac at 6 Weeks Normal?
Yes, an empty sac at 6 weeks is considered normal. This is because the fetus is still very small and has not yet developed enough to be visible on an ultrasound. You may expect no to see empty sac at 7 weeks to onwards.
Is It Normal Not to See Embryo at 7 Weeks?
There are a few things to keep in mind when answering this question. The first is that every pregnancy is different, and there is no one “normal” way for things to progress. Secondly, it is important to remember that an embryo cannot be seen on ultrasound until after about 5-6 weeks gestation.
So, if you are 7 weeks pregnant and have not yet seen an embryo on ultrasound, it is not cause for concern. That being said, there are a few reasons why you may not have seen an embryo on ultrasound at 7 weeks. One possibility is that the pregnancy is earlier than thought and you are actually only 6 weeks along.
This can happen if your dates were off by a week or two, or if you ovulated later than expected (which can happen in women with irregular cycles). Another possibility is that the pregnancy implantation was delayed and you are actually 8 weeks along. This can sometimes happen in pregnancies conceived via IVF/ assisted reproductive technology (ART).
If your doctor has concerns about your pregnancy based on the lack of seeing an embryo on ultrasound, they may order additional testing such as blood work or another ultrasound in 1-2 weeks to check for progression of the pregnancy. However, if everything looks normal otherwise (including your hCG levels) then there is no need for worry!
At What Hcg Level Should a Fetal Pole Be Seen?
If you are pregnant, it is likely that you will have a blood test to measure the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your body. HCG is produced by the placenta and is present in your blood soon after implantation of the fertilized egg. The level of hCG quickly rises during early pregnancy up to 49%.
The fetal pole is first seen on ultrasound at approximately 5-6 weeks from the last menstrual period, or 3-4 weeks from conception (calculated from ovulation). At this time, the fetal pole measures 2-5 mm in length. It is generally visible before a heartbeat can be detected.
So, if you are pregnant and have had a blood test to measure your hCG levels, and your hCG levels are high enough that a fetal pole should be visible on ultrasound, but no fetal pole is seen, this could indicate that you are not as far along in your pregnancy as was thought based on your hCG levels.
If you’re pregnant and 6 weeks along, you may be wondering if it’s normal not to see a fetal pole on your internal ultrasound. The answer is that it depends. If your hCG levels are low, it’s possible that the gestational sac isn’t large enough yet for the fetal pole to be visible.
Rauchfuss LK, Ainsworth AJ, Shenoy CC. Abnormal rate of human chorionic gonadotropin rise: a case series of patients with viable intrauterine pregnancies after embryo transfer. F S Rep. 2021 Feb 11;2(1):129-132. doi: 10.1016/j.xfre.2020.11.006. PMID: 34223284; PMCID: PMC8244357.