The test line is darker than control line means, the C line is dark and T line is faint means you are pregnant!
Due to the increased hormones or hCG the T line shows darker and the C line shows faint.
Testing the HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) levels in the urine using pregnancy test kits define pregnancy test line darker than control line.
HCG is a hormone that can ensure pregnancy. During pregnancy, this HCG hormone is produced in the body.
So, whenever you take a pregnancy test, your HCG level should be high enough in your body to be a positive result.
To understand the T line & C line results, let’s read this article now.
Here, I will cite all the medical journals and give you a brief idea- why is the test line darker than the control line?
What does test line darker than the control line pregnancy test mean?
If you’ve ever taken a pregnancy test, you know that waiting to find out the results can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. After all, a lot is riding on the outcome.
But what if, when you finally take a peek at the test, you see that the test line is darker than the control line? What does that mean?
In short, it means the test is positive. But to understand how that happens, we first need to understand how pregnancy tests work while on your period.
Pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in a woman’s urine and it takes 1 to 2 minutes for a result. hCG is produced by the placenta shortly after a fertilized egg implants in the uterus.
So, when you take a pregnancy test, the test is looking for evidence of HCG.
The hCG counts are increasing exceptionally high at first trimester at least 49%. Here is why the test lines become darker week by week.
Test line darker than control line pregnancy test using a Test-Kit
To get the ensuring result of pregnancy you need to take the test after the week of your missed period. According to the women’s health (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), the home pregnancy test is 99% accurate.

If you can’t wait just try the test after 1 or 2 weeks of having sex. Without the detectable level of HCG , you will be unable to find an accurate dye stealer test easy at home result. So, after your missed period week, it is the best possible time to get your positive result.
A home pregnancy test is a simple method of detecting whether or not you are pregnant. A home pregnancy test can accurately detect whether you are pregnant or not. How long it takes for a positive line to show up will depend on which kit you’re using.
Try to follow the instructions given on the pregnancy kit. Also, follow the below image processes:
The pregnancy test will measure the amount of hCG in your urine.

If you are pregnant, your urine will contain high levels of hCG. If you are not pregnant, your hCG levels will be detected as low.
A home pregnancy test can be very accurate. They might not work as well as a medical testing kit. This test can be valid for up to 10 days after conception.
How many types are there to test for pregnancy?
To get a pregnancy test you can take two types of medical pregnancy tests. One is to take by urine and another is by blood. From both of them, the urine test is easier than the blood test which you can do from your home.
Where blood tests will cause you to walk to the testing lab. But a blood test will show you a more accurate result than a urine test.
In the beginning level, testing urine tests can cause false results. So, if you take a test at the beginning of pregnancy, try to take the blood test.
To get the ensuring result of pregnancy you need to take the test after the week of your missed period. If your patients don’t support you to wait just try the test after 1 or 2 weeks of having sex.
Without the detectable level of HCG, you will be unable to find out accurate results. So, after your missed period week, it is the best possible time to get your positive result.
Some weird type of home pregnancy test would be a fun fact for your pregnancy time. For example, you may try out using a pencil test pregnancy and home pregnancy test with urine.

Its amazing to know that you will come to know it by a positive pregnancy test from your dream
How long does it take for a positive line to show up?
Urine contains several hormones and other substances that are produced during pregnancy. When used correctly, a home pregnancy test can accurately detect whether you are pregnant or not. How long does it take for a positive line to show up will depend on which kit you’re using and depend on that you need to wait 5 to 10 minutes. You better follow the instructions carefully, step by step, to get the most accurate result possible.

If the home pregnancy positive line comes up later on your pregnancy test, there is a high possibility that you’re pregnant. In such cases, false positive results don’t appear very often.
However, there are some other reasons that could make such things happen. This positive line can also come up later after two days, one day, or even after 30 minutes. To avoid any confusion, you better consult your Doc.
Why do you have to wait 30 minutes to test positive?
Most people think about the maternal blood pressure test as it serves 100% accurate results while pregnancy test; after all, it takes after 10 minutes of rest, using automated noninvasive blood pressure monitors (BpTRU). The process of testing for blood-borne pathogens may seem meticulous, but several steps need to happen for a lab to determine if you’re infected with a virus or bacteria.
What if the positive line came up later?
Can a positive line come up later? Yes it is, it will take 10 min to expect to see the positive result. Before that, if you throw out the kit to the bin, you are doomed! Just kidding! 😀
There are several possible reasons for the positive line darker than control line result is not true. A false positive test result can occur, if the test is taken before true BFP. Here you should come know what was your implantation bleeding like before BFP
Even though, you unable to find the BFP line progression, then what can cause it to happen? Well, there are many reasons for example, yeast infection late period negative test result is one of them.
So, you need to be diagnosed by a doctor and by doing 5w5d ultrasound, 6w5d ultrasound or any weeks during pregnancy.

Those ultrasound will tell you why you are not getting the success from home pregnancy test. For example, a yeast infection cause late period negative pregnancy test result.
The positive line can come up later when the HCG level is not high enough. However, experts suggest taking the test again just to be sure.
A few things can happen if the positive line on a home pregnancy test turns up later in the trial. If you notice the positive line coming up 12 hours after taking the test, there is a tiny chance that the result could be inaccurate.
Additionally, if the results are within two days of when you last had sexual intercourse, it’s possible that you are still pregnant and not yet aware of it.
If the results are more than two days after your last sexual encounter, then there is a greater chance that you are not pregnant and may have to take another test to confirm the results.
T line darker than C line mean twin pregnancy test
Among many reasons to have twin babies, you will experience the immediate dark positive pregnancy test twins when the result pops

up. Secondly, you will get to see the heavy flow during the last period before your pregnancy. Finally, it turns out to be a positive pregnancy with heavy implantation bleeding twins .
You have to remember that, there is always a deep relationship between implantation bleeding and pregnancy test.
While expecting a twin baby you will find higher levels of hCG and this will be during the 4 to 5 weeks pregnancy test for twin pregnancy.
HCG level variations between singleton vs twin pregnancy chart:
Immediate dark positive pregnancy test at twin pregnancy
The immediate dark positive pregnancy test means or a sign of twins result will show up during twin pregnancy
Here is a picture of an immediate dark line:
What does test line darker than the control line mean?
Now, it is time to know about your result. Whenever you take the pregnancy test, at first you should follow the urine instructions carefully:
“Urine should not be collected after the patient has been drinking a large amount of fluid, as a dilute specimen may result in a falsely negative test”
To ensure your positive pregnancy, the test line is not necessary to be darker than the control line.
If any dark line shows high hCG that means you are a twin mother and for carrying two baby the hCG level is high.
Moreover, by taking a test after your 14 DPO (Days Past Ovulation), you can find out a darker test line than the control line.
Normally, you can find the test line darker from a positive ovulation test at 14 DPO. Again, it happens with maximum women.
13 dpo bfn successful test result
For some women, the HCG level of their body is low, so the positive result or test line strip will be hard to find during 13 dpo (days past ovulation).
What if I found a negative pregnancy test result?
The first reason is the HcG level is low and it may happen only for the single mother not for twins. The evap line would be faint during any dpo (days past ovulation), for example, at 17 dpo, most mothers get the positive result indeed but some cases are found with negative pregnancy from the test kits. Because those kit unable to detect the evap line faint positive test result at 17 dpo
- Second, it could be that you are not so early to take the test. The earlier you take the test, the lower the levels of HCG, and the faint the test line seems.
- Third, it could be that you’re using a highly sensitive pregnancy test. These tests are designed to detect even low levels of HCG.
- Fourth, the mother has a high level of estrogen, progesterone, in that case the C line will be dark.
Of course, the only way to know for sure if you’re pregnant is to see your doctor. But if you take a home pregnancy test. If you find the test line is darker than the control line, there’s a good chance you are pregnant.
Test line darker than control line Negative Pregnancy Test
In rare cases, a pregnancy test can be false. Some common factors are given below.
· The pregnancy that implants but unable to develop perfectly.
· Affect of using certain drugs.
· HCG is made from certain tumors that are created from sperm or eggs.
· Abnormal growing tissues in the uterus.
But, you don’t need to panic. Just wait for a few days and test it again if you find result like at 13 dpo bfn.
Due to some reason, the test report would be false.

For example, late-day testing can cause it. Besides, being unable to get enough urine on a test strip or too much urine as well as failing to follow the instructions properly can give you a negative result.
What physical problems can cause test line darker than control line negative pregnancy?
Somehow if you find a negative result on the test, please check out these physical disorders for the cause.
· Negative effect of high antibiotics.
· Any disease like gastric cancers, tumors like seminomatous and non-seminomatous testicular as well as abnormal embryonic tissues, germ cells and placentals.
· Disorders of endocrine.
What is the risk factor of HCG test?
HCG is a risk-free testing system from your urine. If your testing system is done by blood, it will cause some brief pain. In addition, the blood test result is more accurate than the urine test, in the beginning.
Early testing system by urine can give you an early stress-free situation and you will be able to follow the next steps properly. Otherwise, late testing results would frustrate you. HCG testing is not only an easy system to rest pregnant but also an easy way to find out how the pregnancy is developing. This can help you to avoid any kind of miscarriage from an early stage.
To develop pregnancy from an early stage, the HCG testing system is better as well as easy than any other system. Hence, the HCG testing system is a doctor’s requirement for the measurement of your pregnancy development as it should be done.
Overall we can say about your query on “test line darker than control line” that it is not a matter of worry for you. Darker test lines are important for a positive pregnancy report. Moreover, a darker test line is not necessary at all because if any test line shows, it means your result is positive.
So, it’s time to congratulate as well as wish you for a cute baby. So, there is no matter of tension for you if you see a test line. In addition, when you test your urine, test carefully.
Because your testing system will make an impact on your result as earlier we said that at the beginning of the pregnancy test, a blood test shows you a more accurate result than a urine test. If you see a negative result in your beginning test, you can try the blood test for an accurate result. As a result, you can be sure about your pregnancy position.
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